Your next big idea?

Introducing a database of product ideas with go-to-market strategies

Hi Friends,

Happy Easter to those who celebrate.

I’m really excited to share with you a software we’ve been working hard on for the past few months behind the scenes here.

We’ve put together a SaaS that scans 25,000+ monthly Reddit and Upwork listings to find the very best product ideas for you.

But we took it one step further, filtering out the very best, and putting together a step-by-step game plan for each one, with insight from a CTO and CMO.

Each listing includes details on: product overview, difficulty, core features, pricing structure, competition, tech stack, growth hacks, go-to-market, MVP build, etc. — we lay it all out.

And right now we’re running a 20% off discount for early access to dozens of high quality ideas and game plans you can actually use for your next big business, pretty good investment eh?

Here’s a preview of what you can expect:

Single database example, database updated weekly

That’s all for today, next week we’ll be highlighting a really exciting startup that I can’t wait to show you.

Until next time,
